
Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Release Blitz - Royal Playboy by Nana Malone

Title: Royal Playboy
Series: Playboy Prince Duet #1
Author: Nana Malone
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 7, 2020


Vengeance is best served piping hot.
Prodigal Son. Black Sheep. Playboy Prince
I've been called lots of things. Merciful is not one of them.
It doesn’t matter what you call me, as long as I get what I want…
What I crave.

And it’s not the crown.

She is the Princess I didn’t see coming. The one I didn’t plan for. 
Until her, women came easy.
Until her, I wasn't sure I had a heart. Now that I know, I'll give up anything to have her...
Well…almost anything.

Amy's 5 Star Review

Holy wow I loved Lex's story alot but I'm totally besotted with twin brother Xander's story it's easy to see he's lived a world of pain from a young age and trust doesn't come easily for him unless it's Lex so he uses his looks and his arrogance to his advantage.

Imani is such a beautiful women who carries the weight of the world on her shoulders with an alcoholic dad and a younger sister she's picking up the slack for her family in America whilst she's chasing her dreams of being an actress but fate is really not on her side and a chance meeting with Xander leaves her so unsure how to feel and a proposition from him could be what she needs for her family.

This beautiful duo have so much push and pull between them the sexual chemistry is off the charts hot! But somethings holding Xander back can he forget his past and let Imani fully into his life.

Another fantastically written book by the wonderful Nana Malone I love the storyline and the characters but that ending as left me craving more of The Royal Playboy.

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I really had to start thinking through my plans better. It had seemed like such a good idea to slip my hand into his before coming down for cocktails. A fantastic idea, really. It was innocuous enough but was something real couples did. Or so I remembered from my old life when I’d had relationships. But then as soon as the doors had opened, there had been people in the hallway.
Xander had probably taken his cue from me, but the kiss he'd planted on my shoulder didn't feel like an act. 
It felt… real. At least the shivers it gave me were real.
As we traversed the white marble from the foyer, he gently guided me with a hand on my lower back. But every single touch, caress, and glide brought the lick of heat with it. It was making me half mad with lust. When I slanted him a glance, he blinked at me innocently. 
Damn him, he knew he was driving me crazy. And this was why I hadn't wanted to do this. Because of this feeling. Every time he touched me I was transported right back to that flat in Notting Hill where a total stranger had touched me and for once made me feel something. 
It didn’t help things that he was smart. He floated easily from conversations about politics, to art, to current events. And of course he spoke flawless French, along with Italian and what sounded like some German. He was officially a Venus flytrap. Everything about him was meant to entice, to entwine, to ensnare.

Coming Soon

Releasing February 25, 2020


Author Bio

USA Today Bestselling Author, NANA MALONE’s love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she borrowed from her cousin on a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana at a precocious thirteen. She’s been in love with kick butt heroines ever since.

With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters. Waiting for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, Nana, meantime works out her drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is.

The books in her series have been on multiple Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble best seller lists as well as the iTunes Breakout Books list and most notably the USA Today Bestseller list.

Until that ninja job comes through, you’ll find Nana working hard on additional books for her series as well as other fun, sassy romances for characters that won’t leave her alone. And if she’s not working or hiding in the closet reading, she’s acting out scenes for her husband, daughter and puppy in sunny San Diego.

Want to hit me up? Just email me:

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